1. Neesham, C., Nicolae, M., Naftanaila, I., Business leadership in Romania: an overview of research, education and practices, in Change Leadership in Romania’s New Economy, Theoretical and Applied Economics, February 2009, ISSN 1841-8678
2. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., Values, mentalities and leadership in emerging markets, in Change Leadership in Romania’s New Economy, Theoretical and Applied Economics, February 2009, ISSN 1841-8678
3. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., Valori, mentalitati si leadership pe pietele emergente, Revista de economie teoretica si aplicata, dec. 2008, ISSN 1844-0029 (editia online), http://www.ectap.ro/documente/suplimente/simpozion_REI_ro.pdf
4. Neesham, C., Nicolae, M., Naftanaila, I., O privire de ansamblu asupra cercetarii, educatiei si practicii in leadershipul in afaceri in Romania, Revista de economie teoretica si aplicata, dec. 2008, ISSN 1844-0029 (editia online), http://www.ectap.ro/documente/suplimente/simpozion_REI_ro.pdf
5. Nicolae, M., What real life? RATE Newsletter, 2008, ISBN
6. Nicolae, M., Are we speaking the same languages?, presentation at the 9th international RATE conference More Than Teaching: Training For The Real Life Nov. 2008 Bucharest
7. Nicolae, M., Marinescu, R., Leadership and Change in Research Projects, a 8-a Conferinta Anuala QUEST Romania ‘Pentru o mai buna calitate a dialogului interculturala’, Bucuresti, oct. 2008.
8. Nicolae, M., Multilingualism from language to business competence. A strategy for survival in the global market”, in ‘Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in a World of Global Pluralism- 1-st LSP International Conference, Iasi”, Timpul, Iasi, 2008, pp 259-271, ISBN 978 973 612 334 1
9. Nicolae, M., Leadership in the Cheating Culture role models, values and discourse, conferinta RAAS-Fulbright 2008 (Romanian Association of American Studies), Universitatea Bucuresti.
10. Nicolae, M., Neesham, C., Naftanaila, I., Leadership Studies in Romania and the Liderom Project, Conferinta internationala Leadership, Change and Communication in Emerging Markets, Curtea de ArgeLz, 2008, ISBN 978 606 505 068 6.
11. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., Values, mentalities, and leadership in emerging markets, Conferinta internationala Leadership, Change and Communication in Emerging Markets, Curtea de ArgeLz, 2008, ISBN 978 606 505 068 6.
12. Nicolae Mariana, Victoria Seitz, Cheia succesului. Imaginea profesionala, Editura Humanitas 2008, 228 pagini, ISBN 978-973-50-1940-2.
13. Carp R., (coord.), Nevaci, M., Nicolae, M., Runceanu, C., Saramandu, N., Multilingualism and Intercultural Dialogue in the European Union. A Romanian Perspective (Multilingvism si dialog intercultural in Uniunea Europeana. O viziune romaneasca) Studii de strategie si politici, SPOS 2007, Institutul European din Romania, 2008, ISBN 978-973-7736-61-1.
14. Nicolae, M., Romanian higher education a view from the inside, Proceedings of the Second International Conference The Future of Europe Security and Economic Development, Jurnalul Economic, noiembrie 2007, Anul X, no. 25, ISSN 1454-4296
15. Nicolae, M., Strategie, leadership si valori, Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065, dec. 2007,
16. Nicolae, M., Multilingualism for better survival in the global market, Conferinta anuala a Catedrei de limbi germanice si comunicare in afaceri, INTEGRATED SKILLS AND MULTILINGUALISM FOR BETTER CULTURAL AWARENESS AND EMPLOYABILITY, 9-10 November 2007
17. Communication in a world of diversity: its importance for research and education, Scoala internationala de vara Paltins 2007, Econophysics and Complexity, Science and Education in a world of diversity: applications to the knowledge-based society, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, ISBN 978-973-737-358-8
18. Nicolae, M., Multilingualism from language to business competence. A strategy for survival in the global market, Conferinta internationala ,Globalisation and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration, Universitatea Al.I.Cuza, Iasi, Oct. 25-28 2007.
19. Nicolae, M., Enache, M., Doing Business in Romania Crossing cultures, Fifth International Congress on Romanian Studies, Ovidius University, Constanta, 25-28 iunie 2007
20. Nicolae, M., Enache, M., Invatamantul superior romanesc primele lectii ca stat membru al Uniunii Europene (Romanian Higher Education the First Lessons as a European Union Member State), Simpozionul Facultatii REI Romania si integrarea in Uniunea Europeana. Primele lectii, iunie 2007, Editura ASE, ISBN 978-973-594-966-2
21. Nicolae, M., Integrarea europeana in economie, institutii si comunicare, simpozionul Institutii si fluxuri economice europene in secolul al XX-lea, 22 iunie 2007, ASE, Grant A_C47/2006 CNCSIS
22. Nicolae, M., Competition and Higher Education Where To?, Simpozionul international Tehnologii educationale pe platforme electronice in invatamantul ingineresca (The International Symposium Educational technologies on electronic platforms in Higher Engineering Education) CONSPRESS Publishing House, 8-9 iunie 2007, ISSN 1843-2263, p 120-129.
23. Nicolae, M., Enache, M., Satisfacerea nevoilor clientului educational criteriu de evaluare a calitatii in invatamant, Sesiunea stiintifica internationala cu tema Strategii de asigurare si evaluare a calitatii in invatamant, ASE, Bucuresti, 18-19 mai 2007, publicat in volumul Strategii de asigurare si evaluare a calitatii in invatamant, Editura ASE, 2007, ISBN 13-978-973-594-944-0.
24. Nicolae, M., Muresan, M, Regional Economic Development in the 20th Century. the Case of Romania, Simpozionul international THE PATH OF INTERNATIONALISATION AND INTEGRATION IN THE EUROPE OF REGION, 25 28 aprilie 2007, Curtea de Arges, ISBN 978-80-8069-857-7
25. Nicolae, M., Intreprinzatori, lideri, migranti si toleranti, 4.02.2007, http://www.markmedia.ro, Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
26. Nicolae M., SMS-uri, customer care sau clientul nostru … 07.01.2007, http://www.markmedia.ro Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
27. Nicolae M., Customer care sau stapanul nostru clientul (II) 14.01.2007 http://www.markmedia.ro Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
28. Victoria Seitz, Mariana Nicolae, Crearea Imaginii, Editura ASE, 201 pg. 2006 ISBN 973-594-786-2
29. Nicolae, M., Inteligenti sunteti, dar cu emotiile cum stati? 30.10.2006, http://www.markmedia.ro Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
30. Nicolae, M., Conferinta internationala a Facultatii de Stiinte Economice, Universitatea Ovidius, Constanta, 12 oct. 2006, Leadership in the Romanian Transition, Analele Universitatii Ovidius, Seria Stiinte Economice, Ovidius University Press Constanta, 2007, ISSN 1582-9383
31. Nicolae, M., Din nou despre leadership (III), 2.10.2006, http://www.markmedia.ro/article_show.php?g_id=726 Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
32. Nicolae, M., Din nou despre leadership (II), 25. 09.2006, http://www.markmedia.ro/article_show.php?g_id=724 Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
33. Nicolae, M., Din nou despre leadership (I), 18.09.2006, http://www.markmedia.ro/article_show.php?g_id=723, Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
34. Nicolae, M., Cei care urmeaza …, 14.08.2006, http://www.markmedia.ro/article_show.php?g_id=711 Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
35. Nicolae, M., Lideri, conducatori si … ceilalti 31.07.2006, http://www.markmedia.ro/article_show.php?g_id=707 Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
36. Nicolae, M., Leadership in between worlds. The Romanian transition, conferinta RAAS 2006 (Romanian Association of American Studies) cu tema New-Old Worlds, Spaces of Transition
37. Nicolae, M., Between wor(l)ds Creating an Image, conferinta internationala a Facultatii de Comert cu tema The International Conference on Commerce 2006
38. Nicolae M., Cum va gestionati emotiile? 12.11.2006, http://www.markmedia.ro Revista de marketing Lzs comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
39. Nicolae, M., Thank you, RAAS, RAAS Newsletter, Nr. 6 din 5/26/06 4:07 PM pg. 12-13, http://www2.raas.ro/newsletter.html
40. Nicolae M., Public speaking Chiar aveti ceva de spus (II) 10.07.2006, http://www.markmedia.ro Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
41. Nicolae M., Public speaking Chiar aveti ceva de spus (I) 03.07.2006, http://www.markmedia.ro Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
42. Nicolae M., Explorari ale conceptului de leadership in organizatiile romanesti, 05.06.2006, http://www.markmedia.ro Revista de marketing si comunicare in afaceri ISSN 1841- 0065
43. Nicolae, M., Organizatiile care invata modalitati de supravietuire in conditiile internationalizarii, Revista de management comparat international, nr. 6/2005, ISSN 1582-3458.
44. Nicolae, M., Explorari ale conceptului de leadership in organizatiile romanesti, in Tendinte moderne in managementul organizatiilor pe plan mondial (coord. Nicolescu, O.), Editura Olimp, BucureLzti, 2005, ISBN 973-7744-43-8
45. Nicolae, M.,Translating and Interpreting European Integration – Impact on the National Economy, presented at the International Conference The Impact of European Integration on the National Economy, 28- 29 October, 2005, Cluj-Napoca, Babes-Bolyai University, accepted for publication in the Conference proceedings
46. Nicolae, M., Can Teaching Marketing to American Students Be Relevant for Romania’s Development? presented at the International Conference The Impact of European Integration on the National Economy, 28 – 29 October, 2005, Cluj-Napoca, Babes-Bolyai University, accepted for publication in the Conference proceedings
47. Nicolae, M., Using Blackboard to Teach American Students How to Identify Business Opportunities in Romania Simpozionul deTehnologii educationale pe platforme electronice in invatamantul ingineresca (The International Symposium Educational tachnologies on electronic platforms in engineering) CONSPRESS Publishing House, May, 2005.
48. Nicolae, M., Campusul virtual provocarile realitatii, The Virtual Campus challenges of the real world, sent for publication Oct. 2003, ASE Publishing House.
49. Nicolae, M. The R_E_volution of teaching and learning: how do universities respond to the challenges of connectedness?at, Simpozionul Tehnologii educationale pe platforme electronice in invatamantul ingineresca (The Symposium Educational tachnologies on electronic platforms in engineering) CONSPRESS Publishing House, May, 2003.
50. Nicolae, M. Materiale promotionale in turismul romanesc (Promotional published materials in Romanian Tourism), www.markmedia.ro, Oct. 2003.
51. Nicolae, M, Cui se adreseaza pliantele publicitare turistice? (Which is the target audience for advertising leaflets in tourism?) , www.markmedia.ro, Oct. 2003.
52. Nicolae M., Takes Two to Tango at the Importance of Partnerships, paper presented at the Conference British and American Studies, Timisoara, 15-17 May 2003
53. Nicolae M., Strategii pentru succes in predare/invatare (Strategies for success in Teaching-Learning), AFIR Publishing House, 2003
54. Nicolae M., Cultura Internet-ului: noi forme de comunicareThe Internet Culture: new forms of communication?, The Economic Journal, 5th year, n. 10, ASE Publishing House, Dec. 2002
55. Nicolae M., Perceptii culturale ale spatiului si timpului Cultural Perceptions of Space and Time, (the Symposium Romania’s External Economic Relations in the Euro-Atlantic Context, 13.12.2002, ASE BUCHAREST, the School of International Business and Economics
56. Nicolae M., Importanta atitudinii in educatia interculturala (The Importance of Attitude in Intercultural Education), the Conference Romania’s External Economic Relations in the Euro-Atlantic Context , 13.12.2002, ASE BUCHAREST, the School of International Business and Economics
57. Nicolae M., Unele paradoxuri ale comunicarii intre culturi (Some paradoxes of the communication among cultures), Knowledge, Communication, Culture, 12.12.2002, UTCB Publishing House, the Faculty of Technological Equipment, the Department of Foreign Languages and Communication
58. Nicolae M., Explorari ale unor posibile oferte educationale in administrarea afacerilor (Exploring possible educational offers in business administration), the International Conference Globalisation and university economic education, vol III, Sedcom Libris Publishing House, Iasi, oct. 2002
59. Nicolae M., Marketing religios si particularitati ale discursului ortodox in ultimul deceniu al secolului XX (Religious Marketing and particularities of the ortodox discourse in the last decade of the XXth century), The Economic Journal, 5th year, n. 9, ASE Publishing House, July 2002
60. Nicolae M., Diferentele individuale in procesul de invatare inteligenta emotionala si predictibilitatea succesului in cariera(The individual differences in the learning process emotional intelligence and the predictability of career success), Paideea, Journal of People Universities, n. 3, Bucharest, 2002
61. Nicolae M., Managing the Stars, Diversitatea lingvistica si culturala Factor al dezvoltarii europene (Managing the Stars, Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Prompter for the European Development), ASE Publishing House, 2002
62. Nicolae M., Diferentele individuale in procesul de invatare inteligenta emotionala si IQ-ul grupuluiA? (Individual differences in the learning process emotional intelligence and group IQ), the Session of Scientific Communications of the Teacher Training Department, ASE BUCHAREST, 10 May 2002
63. Nicolae M., Managerial Communication in the Internet Age, ASE Publishing House, 2002
64. Nicolae M., coordinator, Commercial Communication, CISON Publishing House, 2002
65. Nicolae M., Points of view: setting objectives in open and distance learning and in post-graduate educationA?, Dialogos, n.6, ASE Publishing House, 2002
66. Nicolae M., Nevoi, obiective nevoi obiective? (Needs, objectives objective needs?), Dialogos, n.6, ASE Publishing House, 2002
67. Nicolae M., Gender Divide. The Long Road to Tolerance, Dialogos, n. 5, ASE Publishing House, 2002
68. Nicolae M., Enache M., Zografi M., English-Romanian / Romanian-English Dictionary, Langenscheidt / RAO Publishing House, 2001
69. Nicolae M., Oferte nonconventionale pe piata furnizorilor de servicii educationale pentru tineri si adulti (Non-conventional offers on the market of educational service suppliers for adults), The Economic Journal, 3rd year, n. 6-7, ASE Publishing House, Dec. 2000
70. Nicolae M., Diferenta de gen (The Gender Gap), Piata de munca, 19 March 2000
71. Nicolae M, The Right Way To Write In Business, the International Session of Scientific Communications A Millennium of Communication, the Ecological University, Bucharest, May 2000
72. Nicolae M, translation into Romanian, Advanced Economics through Diagrams by Andrew Gillespie, ALL Publishing House, 2000
73. Nicolae M., translation into Romanian, Marketing in industria hoteliera si alimentara, o abordare manageriala (Hotel and food industry marketing – a managerial approach) by Francis Buttle, ALL Publishing House, 2000
74. Nicolae M., (coord.) et al., 3 audio tapes, Communicate in Business, ROTON, 2000
75. Nicolae M., (coord.) et al., Communicate in Business, CISON Publishing House, 2000
76. Nicolae M., Testele de inteligenta si inteligenta (Intelligence tests and the intelligence), the 7th Conference Efficiency, comfort, energy conservation and environment protection, the Technical University of Constructions Bucharest, November 2000
77. Nicolae M., Gender Gap, the Conference Business Culture and Communication: Challenges of the Millennium, ASE BUCHAREST, Bucharest, Oct. 1999
78. Nicolae M., Formarea si perfectionarea profesorilor de limbi straine – provocarile schimbarii (The formation and the improvement of foreign languages teachers the challenges of change), Forum Magazine, June 1999
79. Nicolae M., Strategii didactice la adulti(Didactic strategies for adults), the Military Academy, Scientific Special Session, September 1999
80. Nicolae M., et al., English for Economic Studies, ASE Publishing House, 1999
81. Nicolae M, Intercultural education preparing students to survive in the global village, in Developing Language and Professional Skills , Bucharest, ASE Publishing House, 1998
82. Nicolae M., translation of Foundations of Program Evaluation: Theories of Practice by William R. Shadish, Jr, Thomas D. Cook, Laura C. Leviton, FIMAN Foundation, ALL Publishing House, 1998
83. Nicolae M.(coord), et al., Managing your Management English, ASE Publishing House, 1998
84. Nicolae M., Zografi M., How to Sell Yourself On The European Market -From Teacher Development To Learner Autonomy, presentation at the International Conference IATEFL EAST 98, Constanta, 27-30 August 1998
85. Nicolae M., Writing Styles In Business Communication: An Intercultural View, presentation at the International Conference IATEFL EAST 98, ConstanLLa, 27-30 August 1998
86. Nicolae M., Magureanu T., Zografi M., Tying in Course Work with Assessment, PROSPER Newsletter, n. 9/ June 1998, published by the British Council
87. Nicolae M., The English-Speaking Union-Romania Handbook on Public Speaking, March 1998
88. Nicolae M., Training and Development in Transition. A Romanian Perspective, in Teachers Develop Teachers Research, IATEFL, 1998, UK
89. Nicolae M., Standards of Quality in Private Language Teaching The Romanian Situation, presentation at the International Conference “Private Language Education in Europe. Its contribution to the multilingual and multicultural aspect of the European Union” Salonic, Greece, November 1997
90. Nicolae M, Magureanu T., Zografi M., Coping with Change – Adjusting Proficiency Testing to Real World Needs, presentation at the International Conference Managing Change in English for Business and for Special Purposes, Bucharest, ASE BUCHAREST, 7-9 June 1996. PROSPER Newsletter, n. 5, June 1997
91. Nicolae M., and PROSPER-ASE staff, translation into Romanian of the supplement Lumea in1997 (The World in 1997) for Capital Magazine
92. Nicolae M., Using Commercials to facilitate communication in the classroom, PROSPER NEWSLETTER, n. 4, February 1997
93. Nicolae M., Producing a Newsletter (StudentsProjects), presentation at the International Conference Managing Change in English for Business and for Special Purposes, Bucharest, ASE BUCHAREST, 7-9 June 1996
94. Nicolae M, Magureanu T., Zografi M., Proficiency Testing, assignment for the testing module (distance learning) of the University of Manchester, February 1996
95. Nicolae M., Ivanescu R., Kiritescu L., Teacher Development at the Core of the PROSPER PROJECT in Romania, PROSPER Newsletter, n. 5, June 1996
96. Nicolae M., Zografi M., Developing Efficient Reading strategies during ESP Seminars, the Symposium Pedagogy and culture a didactic and intercultural approach, May 1995, published by the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, 1996
97. Nicolae M., Commercials – A Way Towards Intercultural Competence, presentation at the International Conference Communication and the Intercultural Dimension, Bucharest, ASE BUCHAREST, 24-25 November 1995
98. Nicolae M., Muresan L., Business English as a Business – New Roles for Management and Teacher Development, presentation at the Regional Conference organised by the Czechoslovak Management Centre, 19-21 May 1995, Celakovice
99. Nicolae M.,Ivanescu R., Kiritescu L., Teacher Development at the Core of the PROSPER PROJECT in Romania, paper presented at the 4th IATEFL National Conference, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 12-14 mAY 1995. PROSPER Newsletter n. 5/June 1996
100. Nicolae M., Evaluarea testelor de limba engleza – metode subiective si obiective de testare (The Evaluation of English tests subjective and objective testing methods), assignment for the testing module (distance learning) of the University of Manchester, January 1995
101. Nicolae M., Zografi M., Bottom-up and top-down approaches to developing reading skills, presentation at the 4th BE TA Conference, December 1994
102. Nicolae M., Teacher Development and Peer Observation, project presented at the University of Lancaster, UK, June 1994
 103. Nicolae M., Writing for business: Form-fillingpresentation at the 3rd BETA (British English Teachers Association) International Conference, December 1993
 104. Nicolae M., News from RomaniaA?, People and Places, June 1992, Ireland, Dublin
105. Nicolae M., Virginia Woolf. The Evolution of Character in the Modern Novel, graduation dissertation, University of Bucharest, 1975