Funny oldish lady with a great sense of humour & an accent.
2 official lgs – finnish & swedish. Everthi g is in 2 lgs – svhools, legislation, etc. Some complain.
Flea market – a fashionable business of recycling.
Got a small map + highlights map.
Go to a boat Julia.
Thw only submarine turned museum.
Ice breakers – imp. 70 cm thick ice in winter. The sea freezes.
Swedish army
3 mil saunasin finland. NOT a finish invention. The black death. Most finns’ re born in saunas.
Saunas are a way of life. Sausage baked while you have yr sauna. When you are both ready – grab a cold beer. We’te in heaven.
Ver dry summer hre as well. No pickles.
600 euros/month for small studio to rent. For students.
All apt had to have a tiny sauna starti g eith the 60s. Very expensive electricity bill.
8ummer schòol holiday 1 Ju e – 9 Aug. They start at 7. First lg – En + 2nd is swedish or finnish. Comprehensive schools.
Zoo island. The flamingo’s – one was eaten by a fox. The others died of a heart attack.
Russian Onion domes – stylized fire image 4 prayer in orthodox faith.
Market place
Lutheran cathedral + Kisellef
Sibelius monument.
The birth of earth acc to finnish mythology.
Helsinki – a huge building site in summer. It has all to be ready before winter.