Journal articles & book chapters

  1. Nicolae, M., 2019, Education and educational traditions in Israel: a view from a Romanian University, presentation at the 7th International Conference organized by the “Theodor Herzl” Centre of Israeli Studies-SNSPA, “Education in Israel: Zionist Traditions, Challenges, and Identities”, Bucharest, 21-22 May, 2019.
  2. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., Paul, A., 2019, Realities, Positions and Perspectives in the Relations With East Asia – A View From Romania, presentation at the International Conference ‘’The V4 in East Asia and East Asia in the V4: Present Economic and Political Relations between the Visegrad Four Countries and East Asia’’, 2-3rd May 2019 Budapest, Oriental Business and Innovation Center of the Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences.
  3. Nicolae, M., March 2019, In our language/s: competences, discourse and in/tangible deliverables, presentation at the Conference “Dezvoltarea competențelor plurilingve şi multiculturale în context academic. De la teorie la practică” of the research Centre T. Cristea, Bucharest University of Economic Studies.
  4. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., 2018, Values in shifting times and fuzzy geographies – (where) do they meet? în “Dilemmas and Challenges of the Chinese Economy in the 21st Century: Economic Policy Effects of the Belt and Road Initiative”, Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences Oriental Business and Innovation Center Book Series. ISBN: 978-615-5607-44-8,
  5. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., 2018, Leadership in Higher Education – coping with AI and the turbulence of our times, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, volume 12, issue 1, pp. 683–694,
  6. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., Values in shifting times and fuzzy geographies – (where) do they meet?, presentation at the International Conference THE TRANSFORMATION OF ASIAN ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS: UNDERSTANDING LOCAL CHANGES AND GLOBAL IMPACTS ON BUSINESS AND SOCIETY, May 10-11, 2018, Budapest, Oriental Business and Innovation Center of the Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences.
  7. Nicolae, M., CHINA – a view from Romania. Beyond perceptions and stereotypes, presentation at the 1st International Conference of the Centre for European Studies of the Sun Yat Sen University, Zhuhai, PRC, 7-9 December 2017.
  8. Nicolae, M., Languages for Specific Purposes:  Language Learning for Professional and Personal Development, în Marinescu, R.E., Bârlea,R.M., (eds) LEARNING IS FUN. Teaching Methodology for Plurilingual Education and a Balanced Life, ASE Publishing House,  2017, pp. 62 – 81.
  9. Nicolae, M., Looking at gender in today’s China through the eyes of a Romanian traveller, în Analize, Jurnal de studii de gen și feministe, vol. 9 (23)/ 2017, ISSN 2344 – 2352,
  10. Nicolae, M., In-utilitatea comunicării științei în lumea globală? în volumul “Filosofie şi Economie. Sensuri ale utilității în științele socio-umane”, coord.: Vasile Macoviciuc. Bucureşti: Editura ASE, 2017, pp. 313-325, ISBN 978-606-34-0180-0
  11. Nicolae, M., Womenomics – Is It Worth Talking About Gender?, No. 5-6, May-Aug 2017,
  12. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., Development, competence and performance – who does what in higher education? Prezentare la a XI-a conferință internațională ICBE 2017, Strategy, Complexity and Energy in changing times.
  13. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., Development, competence and performance – who does what in higher education?  De Gruyter, 2017, Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp. 332 – 338,
  14. Nicolae, M., The Business of Culture – Whose Enterprise? Eminescu, Cervantes, Shakespeare Ink…orporated, in “The Market for Ideas”, No.2, Nov.-Dec. 2016, ISSN: 2537-2610, KNOWlegacy,
  15. Nicolae, M., Book review: Andreea Paul – ‘The Economic Force of Women’, in REASER, Review of Applied Socio- Economic Research, (Volume 12, Issue 2/ 2016), pp. 56-58, ISSN: 2247-6172;ISSN-L: 2247-617 2,
  16. Nicolae, E.E., Nicolae, M., Personal Development, Professional Competence and University Performance – Who Does What?, in Euromentor. Studies about education, volume VII, No.4/December 2016, pp. 80 – 86,
  17. Nicolae, M., Ion, I., Nicolae, E., Spiritual Leadership. Implications for  Managerial Action., in“Ethics of business and leadership in a transdisciplinary context” editors Sebastian Văduva, Ioan S Fotea, Andrew R Thomas, Springer, 2016, pp 15 – 22,
  18. Nicolae, M., How soft is actually hard and tough, in “The Market for Ideas”, No.1, Sept.-Oct. 2016, ISSN: 2537-2610,
  19. Marinescu, R. E., Nicolae, M., Leadership for a nation, in Synergy, volume 12, no. 2/ 2016, pp. 306 – 313,
  20. Nicolae, M., book review of The Semiperiphery of Academic Writing: Discourses, Communities and Practices edited by Karen Bennett in Synergy, volume 12, no. 1/ 2016, pp. 287 – 291,
  21. Mariana Nicolae, Elena Ecaterina Nicolae, Denise Dona, Happiness – An Indicator of Economic Development? Who Is Mentoring Us? in Euromentor. Studies about education, volume VII, No.2/June 2016, pp. 34 – 43,
  22. Nicolae, M., Leadership, educaţie şi raţionalitate limitată, în volumul Filosofie şi Economie : Etică şi raţionalitate economică”, coord.: Vasile Macoviciuc, Loredana Cornelia Boşca, Lucia Ovidia Vreja. – Bucureşti: Editura ASE, 2016, pp. 342-348, ISBN 978-606-34-0074-2
  23. Mariana Nicolae, Irina Ion, Elena Nicolae, Regional differences in entrepreneurial perceptions and implications for the Romanian competitiveness policy, in Management & Marketing. Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 394–409, ISSN (Online) 1842-0206, DOI: 10.1515/mmcks-2016-0005, April 2016.
  24. Nicolae, M., Study Programmes in English in Non-Anglophone Countries. Looking at Impacts and Challenges from a Romanian Perspective, capitolul 11 în “Challenges, Performances and Tendencies in Organisation Management” (Editors: O. Nicolescu, L. Lloyd-Reason), 2016, , pp. 97 – 107.
  25. Nicolae, E.E.,  Nicolae, M., Universities  as  Learning  Organisations  –  Managing  People and Processes, Euromentor Journal, Volume VII, No.1/March 2016, indexată în EBSCO, PROQUEST, INDEX COPERNICUS, CEEOL si CEDEFOP,
  26. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., Leadership, Dilemmas and Higher Education – Whose Values?, inEuromentor Journal Studies about Education, Volume VI, No.4/December 2015, ISSN 2068-780X,  Editura Pro Universitaria, București, pp. 41 – 54. Indexată în IDB EBSCO, PROQUEST, CEEOL, INDEX COPERNICUS, CEDEFOP
  27. Mureșan, L., Nicolae, M., Addressing the challenge of publishing internationally in a non-Anglophone academic context: Romania – a case in point, chapter in English as a Scientific and Research Language, Debates and Discourses, English in Europe, Volume 2, Edited by Plo Alastrué, Ramón / Pérez-Llantada, Carmen, DE GRUYTER, 2015, Pages: 281–310, ISBN (Online): 9781614516378, DOI (Chapter): 10.1515/9781614516378-015, DOI (Book):10.1515/9781614516378
  28. Nicolae, M., Educație, leadership – discurs și terminologie, în volumul “Filozofie și economie. Teme și realități contemporane”, (coord. L. C. Bosca, L.O. Vreja), Editura ASE, 2015, Colecția Et in Arcadia Ego, pp. 375 – 386. capitol de carte.
  29. Nicolae, M., Nicolae, E.E., 2015. The quality of the educational process at university department level – a community of practice view. Calitatea procesului de învățământ la nivel de departament universitar din perspectiva unei comunități de practică. Amfiteatru Economic, 17(39), pp. 815-822, ISI –           
  30. Nicolescu, L., Nicolae, M., Ion, I., Factors influencing the consultancy services used in Romanian family businesses, Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society, no. 2/2014, ISSN 2069–8887, ISSN-L 1842-0206, în Cabell’s, CEEOL,  Index Copernicus, EBSCO, RePEc, IDEAS, EconPapers, DOAJ)
  31. Seitz, V., Nicolae, M., , The Role of Academic Values in Higher Education Convergence in Romania: A New Approach, capitol in Handbook of Research Trends in European Higher Education Convergence, IGI Global, 2014, , DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5998-8, ISBN13: 9781466659988, ISBN10: 146665998X, EISBN13: 9781466659995
  32. Marinescu, R., Nicolae, M., MOOCS. Challenges and Opportunities for Romanian Universities, The 10th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education, Bucharest, April 24-25, 2014, published in Let’s build the future through learning innovation, Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference “eLearning and Software for Education” Bucharest,  2014, Volume 4, Editura Universității Naționale de Apărare “Carol I” (ISSN: 2066 – 026X print 2066 – 8821 online)
  33. Mariana Nicolae, Roxana Marinescu, Mihaela Zografi, Intercultural Communication in the 21st Century: Multilingualism, New Media and Technology – Divide or Bridge For Building a Socially Intelligent EU?, în Mapping Heterogenity: Qualitative Research in Communication, coord. L. Ivan, C. Daba-Buzoianu, B. L. Gray, Editura Tritonic, 2014 ISBN: 978-606-8571-51-5, 
  34. Nicolae, M., Ion, I., Nicolae, E., The Research Agenda of Spiritual Leadership. Where Do We Stand?,Review of International Comparative Management, Vol. 14 No. 4 / 2013, (indexat in RePec (Research Papers in Economics – IDEAS, Econpapers, Socionet); Index Copernicus – Journals Master List; EBSCO; The World Wide Web Virtual Library For European Integration; NewJour Electronic Journals and Newsletters; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory; Cabells Database; Google Scholar; OCLC-WorldCat.)
  35. L. Nicolescu, M. Nicolae, Gabriel F. Tudorache. Romanian SMEs and advisory services: some descriptives. International Journal of Academic Research,  2013; vol. 5, no. 4, 2013, DOI: , ISSN: 2075-4124 (print), 2075-7107 (online) (indexat in CrossRef, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (ProQuest), Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), ZentralBlatt MATH (Springer-Verlag), IndexCopernicus International, Master Journal List (ISI-Thomson-Reuters without impact factor) and others.
  36. Nicolae, M., Vițelar, A., Knowledge Transfer in Romanian Higher Education, Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy,, Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
  37. Nicolae, M., 100 Years of Language Education in the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, SYNERGY Vol. 9 / No. 1 / 2013, 
  38. Nicolae, M., Ion, I., Entrepreneurship Perceptions in Romania: Where Do We Stand?, Review Of International Comparative Management, Vol. 13 No. 2 / 2012
  39. Hrițcu, M., Nicolae, M., The Future of Leadeship? An Inquisitive, Nonliniar and Holistic Approach, SYNERGY Vol. 8 / No. 2 / 2012, 
  40. Nicolae, M., The unHappy existence of communication in today’s business language education, Towards A More Specialised European Framework for (Self-) Assessing Language Competencies, Martin Lachout (ed.), Metropolitan University Prague Press, Prague, 2012, pp. 43 – 60,  ISBN 978-80-86855-85-1, Praga, 2012