I just love Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings. I always browse through her newsletter with the curious anticipation of the amazingly interesting connections she offers her readers. For her a constant labour of love, for me an amazingly serendipitous discovery.
As in this announcement of “a charitable celebration of science and nature through poetry”. How does she announce it? Intriguingly:
<“The Universe in Verse” is going West! (April 18, California)
UC Santa Cruz
Quarry Amphitheater
1156 High St, Santa Cruz, CA
Doors: 6:00PM
Show: 7:30–10ish PM
Rain or shine, news-hyped virus
panic or sanity. Dress warmly for outdoor springtime, wash your hands with
soap, hot water, and critical thinking.>

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash
For someone coming from a culture which does not necessarily appreciate time, except one’s own obviously, giving a time for “Doors” and then another for the actual show hints at profound social differences. The best part, however, is the last – a strong, unapologetic promise that this is a serious event which requires not only passionate love of science and poetry, but also a clear sense of humour and in-depth critical thinking. Lovely indeed.
Photo by Stephanie Lisa Kelly on Unsplash;
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
Happy women’s day every day!