Humour leadership?

Ever heard of humour leadership?

Naomi Bagdonas andConnor Diemand-Yauman, both from StandfordGraduate School of Business, and interested in creating more productive, connected, and joyful cultures in remote teams. They say there’s serious medical research behind their claim: the The neuroscience of laughter.

Leaders with a sense of humour are seen as 27 percent more motivating and admired. Their employees are 15 percent more engaged. Their teams are more than twice as likely to solve a creativity challenge.

Humour isn’t just for fun. It’s also a critical leadership skill, like communication and self-awareness.

How? Bagdonas and Diemand-Yauman tell us their version:

1. Become remotely humorous. Laughter impacts our brains and our behaviours in profound ways. Laughter is more valuable than ever in the world of remote work.

2. Embrace other’s humour. Notice your co-workers’ small attempts of light-heartedness, and accept them. Build on them.

3. Actively cultivate your rituals and your stories. Create new rituals that help you stay connected and promote humour at your organization, even when you’re remote. And tell your companies’ stories far and wide.

For more watch them here: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/leadership/laugh-more-lead-better


Women, science and poetry

I just love Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings. I always browse through her newsletter with the curious anticipation of the amazingly interesting connections she offers her readers. For her a constant labour of love, for me an amazingly serendipitous discovery.

As in this announcement of “a charitable celebration of science and nature through poetry”. How does she announce it? Intriguingly:

<“The Universe in Verse” is going West! (April 18, California)

UC Santa Cruz
Quarry Amphitheater
1156 High St, Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Doors: 6:00PM
Show: 7:30–10ish PM
Rain or shine, news-hyped virus panic or sanity. Dress warmly for outdoor springtime, wash your hands with soap, hot water, and critical thinking.>

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

For someone coming from a culture which does not necessarily appreciate time, except one’s own obviously, giving a time for “Doors” and then another for the actual show hints at profound social differences. The best part, however, is the last – a strong, unapologetic promise that this is a serious event which requires not only passionate love of science and poetry, but also a clear sense of humour and in-depth critical thinking. Lovely indeed.

Happy women’s day every day!