April 2008 – First LSP International Conference of the Al.I.Cuza University in Iasi, on Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in a World of Global Pluralism.
2005, 2007 – member in the peer review committee of the international conference TEPE -2005, TEPE 2007: http://hidrotehnica.utcb.ro/simp05 http://hidro164.utcb.ro/tepe_2007/en/tabla_en.aspDec. 2004 – Conference of the Dept of Business Communication in ASE.
Sept. 2003 – Round table Translation An Intercultural Approach, organised by the Faculty of Technical Equipment, Bucharest.
Sept. 2003 – The 2nd Anti-Conference organised by Ovidius University, Constanta.
May 2003 – British and American Studies International Conference, organised by the University of West, Timisoara.
June 2002 – Public presentation and defending of PhD thesis at the University of Bucharest.
Oct.2001 – International conference on Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Factor of European Development, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest.
1999, October – Business Culture and Communication: Challenges of the Millennium, conference organised by the ASE, ESU-Romania and PROSPER-ASE LC.
1998, August – IATEFL East 98, 3rd EFL Conference in the Balkan Region.
1997, Nov. – 1st European Conference on Private Language Education in Europe. Its Contribution to the Multilingual and Multicultural Aspect of the European Union, Salonique, Greece.
September 1997 – International conference of the Special Interest Group Teachers Develop Teachers Research, University of Oranim, Israel.
1995-1996 – the Manchester University Distance-learning MEd module in Language Assessment.
1995 – Admitted to a Ph.D. programme with the Bucharest University, the Institute of Education, on: Developing and improving foreign language teaching/learning strategies in adult education.
1994, Apr.- June – Teacher development course for Romanian Teachers of ESP in Tertiary Education, The Management of Change, Lancaster University, Institute for English Language Education, UK.
1993, Feb. – Communicative English Language Teaching Methodology organized by the British Council.
1996, April – Seminar on Efficient Management organised by BC Romania and CIMP (Romanian Centre of Implementing Performant Management).
1996, March – International seminar organised in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, by ELTECS, BC and Syllabus-private language school on ELT Management and Marketing.
1996, February – International Conference organised by the English-Speaking Union-Hungary in Budapest, English A Window of Opportunity.
1996, Jan. – Open Week For Training Managers, LTS, Bath, UK.
1995, Jan. – International seminar on Private English Language Teaching Management, organized by ELTECS and the BC in Budapest, Hungary.
1974 – British Council exchange programe: British Culture and Civilization, one month in the UK.